Unlimited Exotica 's

Tillandsia (Air Plants) - List

Welcome to the tillandsia list. Photo's for illustration only,- actual plants will vary (plants may or may not be in flower,- depending on season). Air plants can only be ordered by using the website shopping cart below, but can only be sent to addresses in Australia (except WA, NT and TAS). Shipping cost is calculated during checkout. The current availability of plants is shown on website....  if a type is not showing there, it means it is no longer available. Group (wholesale) lots are sometimes listed.....  this always sell fast!!  We only sell wholesale plants this way, please do not ask for wholesale list etc.  All available plants will be shown on the website shopping cart.  Will NOT be sent overseas!


Plants sell out fast when listed!!!  If something you were wanting is no longer on the website, don't bother emailing ....

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Starter's pack available again soon!!

A Selection of 5 different types of Tillandsia

order now

Our choice,- no 'mix and match' for mixed packs


List is for reference only - may not be up to date. Please use online shopping cart for current availability.

Enter Store HERE

Argentea - fucshii v gracilis (TIL002)

Balbisiana (TIL003)

Baileyii (TIL031)

Pseudo Baileyi (TIL004)

Bergeri (TIL026)

Brachycaulus (TIL023)

Bulbosa (TIL016)

Butzii (TIL005)

Capitata Peach (TIL009)

Caput-medusae (TIL017)

Circinnata (TIL006)
'Cotton Candy' (TIL026)

Fasciculata (TIL021)

Harrisii (TIL013)

Ionantha - colours up when about to flower (TIL018)

Juncea (TIL001)

Juncifolia (TIL025)

Magnusiana (TIL014)

Melanocrator v tricolor (TIL011)

Plagiotropica (TIL012)
Punctulata (TIL010)

Queroensis (now known as Incarnata) (TIL032)

Seleriana (TIL015)

Streptophylla (TIL020)

Stricta (TIL024)

Tenuifolia - Blue Flower (TIL029)

Tenuifolia - Emerald Forest (TIL030)

Velickiana (TIL022)

Velutina - abdida (TIL019)

Filifolia (TIL027)

Unknown Tillandsia Sp (TIL028)

Tillandsia on amethyst crystal (similar to photo) (TIL100)

Tillandsia on snake novelty (colour and design may vary) (TIL101)
Tillandsia Collection - 5 loose airplants (similar to photo,- unmounted). (TIL205)
Tillandsia Collection - 12 loose airplants.  (similar to photo,- unmounted) (TIL212)

Old order form no longer available - Payment can be credit card (visa/mastercard) or paypal via the main website.